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Action Congress

Action Alert: Voting Policy

On January 19, 2022, the Senate blocked a pivotal piece of legislation that would safeguard voting rights for generations to come – The Freedom to Vote: John Lewis Voting Rights Act. 

The fundamental right of every eligible voter to cast their ballot and every resident to have their voice heard as a member of society has been neglected. The same senators that highlighted Dr. King's pursuit of voting rights for Black people are the same people who blocked voting rights for all. 

We the people must now prioritize how we deploy resources, make real the social norms and standards across every community, shape our daily lives through policy, and move forward the shared values of this country are all based on these foundational principles.


Email your senator

The Senate blocked The Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Now is the time to contact your senator to prioritize your voting rights and make voting accessible for all. Email your senator to defend your democracy.

Voting rights should not simply be a priority — it must be THE priority.

- Derrick Johnson, President and CEO, NAACP
Tweet Your Senator Demand your senator to protect your voting rights

The Senate failed to deliver and now it's time to act. Continue to urge your Senators that your voting rights should be protected for future generations to come.


Teal Scribble

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