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Senate Banner - Civil Rights Scorecard

Civil Rights Scorecard


The Senate has a job to do

After a year of assaults on American voting rights, the next steps are clear: end the filibuster and enact federal voting rights legislation that protects voters, no matter what state they live in.

A coalition of civil rights organizations has evaluated key votes of each U.S. senator to grade their efforts to protect our democracy. Senators' actions on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the For the People Act, and efforts to eliminate the filibuster have direct impact on voters for the 2022 midterms and beyond.

We continue to do our job. We vote, we mobilize, and we amplify our needs. Now the Senate must do theirs.

Hold Congress Accountable

Call your senator

Let your senator know what you think of their grade. Call 1-855-930-3131 and use these scripts to encourage your senator to keep up the good work or demand that they do more to secure voting rights for all.

Updated Senator Scorecards

Gary Peters - Updated Scorecard

Gary Peters - Michigan

Peters previously received an incomplete vote due to his willingness to only change the filibuster. Peters is now on board to support a filibuster carve out, changing his scorecard to an A.

Jack Reed - Rhode Island Updated Scorecard

Jack Reed - Rhode Island

Reed previously received an incomplete vote due to his willingness to only change the filibuster. Reed is now on board to support a reform of the filibuster, changing his scorecard to an A.

Sheldon Whitehouse - Updated Scorecard

Sheldon Whitehouse - Rhode Island

Whitehouse previously received an incomplete vote due to his willingness to only change the filibuster. Whitehouse is now on board to support a filibuster rule shift, changing his scorecard to an A.

Michael Bennet - Colorado - Updated Senate Scorecard

Michael Bennet - Colorado

Bennet previously received an incomplete vote due to his willingness to only change the filibuster. Bennet is now on board to support a filibuster reform, changing his scorecard to an A.

Mark Warner - Virginia - Updated Scorecard

Mark Warner - Virginia

Warner previously received an incomplete vote due to his willingness to only change the filibuster. Warner is now on board to support a filibuster carve out, changing his scorecard to an A.

Together Power Vote Hero - NAACP

Are you ALL IN?

NAACP is going ALL IN because democracy is on the ballot and only we, the people, have the power to protect it. Rush a donation now to fuel our critical voter turnout efforts!
