Black health matters and our work on behalf of families has never been more urgent. That is why we prioritize the fight for an inclusive healthcare system that provides comprehensive and affordable health coverage for our communities.
Join the NAACP as we unpack all things cost and coverage-related, from ongoing Medicaid terminations to attacks on the Affordable Care Act, and our shared role as faith and community leaders in fighting forward to protect and improve health coverage access.
Hands Off Our Healthcare
When Medicaid pandemic protections expired on April 1, 2023, states were free to redetermine eligibility and terminate families' Medicaid for the first time since February 2020.
Before states began removing people from their Medicaid rosters, leading national civil rights organizations warned that historic Medicaid losses could devastate communities of color. After six months of Medicaid unwinding, the results are far worse than expected.
It has become clear that states' elected leaders must make major new commitments to prevent millions of children, families, older adults, and others from losing Medicaid because of nothing more than missing paperwork.