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Happy Construction Coworkers Sharing a Hug

Labor Action Week


Advancing the Future of Black Workers

When we work together, changes are made for the betterment of Black workers. When we advocate collectively, employment and advancement opportunities are available for Black people with equal pay, including benefits and clean jobs allowing for better health outcomes.

The NAACP has fought for the rights of Black workers for more than 114 years. We believe that Black workers have a right to earn a living wage with clean jobs that bridge the racial wealth divide. We deserve full rights, protection, and advancement in our work!

Construction Worker Reviewing Blueprints

The Labor Movement: Advancing Opportunities for Black Americans

On November 1, 2022, Maximus workers held the largest strike of non-union workers in the South in recent history, when 500 workers struck for better pay, protections from abusive callers, and downtime between calls to provide relief from the crushing pace of back-to-back calls.  In response, their employer has offered no meaningful improvements and even chose to lay off more than 700 workers with less than two weeks' notice right after Mother's Day this Spring.

It is time that we prioritize these frontline workers. Investigate Maximus' labor practices to ensure that we hold this contractor accountable to the highest standards of justice.

Keisha Deonarine headshot

The Future of Black Workers means that employment and advancement opportunities are available for Black people with equal pay. Plus, benefits and clean jobs allow for better health outcomes.

- Keisha Deonarine, Director, Opportunity, Race, and Justice
Black Female - Solo - in factory work environment

The Economic and Policy Fight in Labor

Weakened labor movement leads to rising economic inequality. Join us in a discussion on Thursday, September 7 at 7 PM ET identifying the policies labor leaders should be watching and advocating for and how these will impact the economy in the days to come.

Black Women: Leading in Unity

Black women are the backbone of where they live, work, play, and pray. View what it means to be a Black woman in the Union space.

Black Women in Union Leadership

Robin Williams

Union leadership has traditionally been a man's world. Women are the backbone of policy, economic security and saving our democracy, and it is timely to have women leading in the workforce space.

- Robin Williams, Chairwoman, NAACP Labor Committee

Live from the Lines - Thriving Together to Make Change

Airport Service Worker CTA

Fix Air Travel and Support Airport Service Workers

Right now congress is deciding if airport service workers nationwide, who help keep our airports safe, clean, and accessible, will have a shot at a better life with fair wages, healthcare, and paid time off — or if they will be left to struggle on wages that have barely improved in 20 years. Call 646-663-5746 to tell your Senator to commit to including the Good Jobs for Good Airports standards in FAA reauthorization.

Advocating for Black Workerrs

Together Power Vote Hero - NAACP

Are you ALL IN?

NAACP is going ALL IN because democracy is on the ballot and only we, the people, have the power to protect it. Rush a donation now to fuel our critical voter turnout efforts!
