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Small Group Meeting - Styled Media Resources

Organizing Our Issues

Our four-quarter training series provides a space where activists will embark on a journey of leadership development, campaign organizing, exploring forms of power, and developing skills to be able to win victories locally to inform the national narrative. 

The goal of this course is to build the foundation for healthy units and provide the fundamental skills and resources to establish campaigns around issue priorities, understand power dynamics, and develop leadership skills. Each leader will receive a certificate at the end of each quarter as well as an overall certificate of completion and graduation for the entire course that acknowledges their proficiency in their new skill sets and their status of being an officially trained and certified great activist of the NAACP. 

Styled Image of people talking

Join the Conversation

Join us for part two of the Evolution of an Activist Training Series as we learn from expert guest trainers how to identify and choose an issue for a campaign by learning issue vs. problem and developing our skills by completing an issue evaluation activity.