Dominik Whitehead
Senior Vice President, Campaigns and Mobilization

Dominik Whitehead serves as the Senior Vice President, Campaigns and Mobilization for the NAACP where he leads and strengthens efforts in strategic advocacy and electoral campaigns at the local, state, and federal levels. Whitehead's career began with NAACP in 2019 as the National Civic Engagement Director where he worked to increase African-American voter turn-out through voter registration, voter mobilization, GOTV field efforts, and volunteer engagement. During the 2022 electoral cycle he was responsible for managing a $12 million Black voter mobilization program across 10 states. Under Whitehead's leadership, NAACP launched the Building Community Voice Fund grants program, where in 2022 NAACP granted $7.5 million to NAACP units and Black/Brown organizations focused on increasing civic participation through voter registration, voter turnout, and voter education. During the 2020 Presidential election cycle, Whitehead managed the largest independent Black voter mobilization at $16.5 million.
Dominik joins the NAACP out of the labor movement at the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) where he was Political Action Representative in AFSCMEs Political Department. As a political action representative, Whitehead was responsible for developing, implementing, and leading political campaigns and electoral programs that support AFSCME's goals and objectives of electing lawmakers who support working families.
Whitehead has assumed lead roles on many electoral and advocacy campaigns and projects including the 2014 Michigan governor's race where he was the GOTV director in the Worker's Voice Independent Expenditure Program; the 2015 Philadelphia, PA, AFSCME member-to-member program as the assistant manager; the 2015 gubernatorial race in Kentucky as state director; and the 2016 presidential primary in various roles in Iowa, Nevada, Florida and Pennsylvania for. In 2018, Whitehead was the GOTV Director for a $15 million statewide independent expenditure program for the Michigan gubernatorial race. He is known for his strategic planning and program implementation and managing and cultivating national, state, and local relationships with key stakeholders in the progressive, labor, and civil rights movements.
In 2017, Whitehead was the creator and campaign strategist of the Stop DeVos campaign at Bethune Cookman University, which garnered 60,000 petition signers through and Color of Change. The campaign led the students to protest in collective action, turning their backs to Secretary Betsy DeVos during the commencement speech.
Whitehead earned a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from Bethune-Cookman University. He also holds a Master of Public Administration from Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University. Whitehead attended the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Public Policy, Senior Executives in Local and State Politics program, where he completed a certification in government.
He is native of Portsmouth, VA and currently resides in Washington, DC.