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Stephanie Owens

Senior Advisor, Voting Rights

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Stephanie Owens-NAACP

Stephanie Owens is the Principal of Dolphin Strategies LLC, a firm specializing in developing cutting-edge public education and voter participation strategies that drive impactful citizen civic engagement. Stephanie is dedicated to creating voter education and issue advocacy campaigns for companies that prioritize policy development through public engagement. She has spearheaded transformative initiatives for the American Cancer Society, National Football League, NASCAR, and the African National Congress. Her extensive experience in voter protection includes developing strategies for the League of Women Voters and Common Cause. Stephanie has served as the NAACP Grassroots Election Protection Advisor across several election cycles. 

Stephanie's dedication to public service is reflected in her appointments by both President Barack Obama and President Bill Clinton. She held senior positions in various government agencies, including Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the White House.

During her tenure in the federal government, Stephanie pioneered innovative tactics for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, facilitated citizen participation in the community restoration process after the BP Deep Horizon oil disaster, and advocated for improvements to federal procurement policy, particularly benefiting small and disadvantaged businesses. Her direction of the White House Federal Interagency Task Force on St. Petersburg showcased her commitment to addressing civil unrest and fostering positive change in the aftermath of a police shooting incident. In 2022, Stephanie Owens served as Deputy Mayor for the City of St. Petersburg, following her instrumental leadership in a historic campaign that resulted in the election of the first African-American Mayor in 2021.

Widely recognized for her ability to forge effective cross-sector alliances and coalitions, Stephanie Owens actively influences government and corporate policies to enrich communities. Her expertise in intersectional equity and inclusion has made her a sought-after advisor, providing systemic strategies that improve organizational outcomes and foster social progress. 

Stephanie has served on several boards, including the St. Petersburg Housing Authority, ACLU FL, League of Women Voters, FL, Pinellas County Homeless Leadership Board, and Girl Scouts West Central FL. Her commitment to empowering constituencies and grassroots organizations in disenfranchised communities shines through her volunteer advocacy training initiatives, amplifying her dedication to fostering positive change at the community level.