10,000 Steps to Environmental and Climate Justice Project Toolkit

One solution to combating environmental injustice, including climate change, is by creating a new generation of leaders. The 10,000 Steps to Environmental and Climate Justice Project builds on existing the strengths and passion of young people to advance social change in their communities, while allowing them to advocate for the three NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program objectives to reduce harmful emissions, advance energy efficiency and clean energy, and improve community livability and resilience.
As part of the project, each Youth Council/College Chapter commits to earning 10,000 steps throughout the school year (September – May) by participating in activities that will advance the goals of environmental and climate justice.
There are three ways to get to the 10,000 step goal: you can walk, run, or sprint. But by all means keep on moving!!
The foundation for environmental and climate justice refers to activities that inspire Youth Council/College Chapter through self-education.
Once the Youth Council/College Chapter has mastered the elements of walking, they are encouraged to engage the community through teach-ins, workshops, and other civic development opportunities.
Things are picking up pace – this is the opportunity to integrate the environmental and climate justice tools that were learned in this Toolkit into the democratic process.
As in every marathon, runners need water and nutrients to make it to the finish line. Throughout the Toolkit, there will be suggestions of activities the Youth Council/College Chapter can do to stay motivated to accomplish the 10,000 steps by the end of the year.
Download the toolkit below for all of the information you need to start the challenge in your community.