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Advancing Equity in Climate Adaption Planning

WHEREAS, the NAACP has established resolutions addressing the disproportionate impact of climate change, sea level rise, disasters, housing discrimination, voter disenfranchisement, etc. on low income communities and African American communities; and 

WHEREAS, climate adaption, climate-smart community building, sea level rise response, sustainability planning, urban renewal, community revitalization risk the unintended consequence of gentrification and displacement; and 

WHEREAS, historic and modern day practices of race-based redlining perpetuated by banks, insurance companies and realtors, as well as subsequent disinvestment have resulted in racial segregation, urban decay, and blight; and 

WHEREAS, post-disaster redevelopment in places such as New Orleans, Louisiana, Mobile, Alabama, and elsewhere has resulted in further disproportionate displacement and loss of land for low income communities and African American communities; and 

WHEREAS, extensive displacement and disinvestment have resulted in deepening voter disenfranchisement, redistricting, school closures, job loss, small business loss, crime, food insecurity, and loss of healthcare infrastructure particularly for low income persons and communities of color. 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) conducts research and policy analysis to: 1) determine displacement risk in the range of models of development; and 2) design effective measures in climate adaptation/housing/zoning policies that will prevent displacement and 3) assess the civil rights implications of the impact of climate adaptation on racial and ethnic minority communities; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NAACP will establish and implement a policy platform to prevent and/or eliminate displacement of African American and low income communities; and 

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the NAACP ensures that all units are equipped with the research, analysis and template of policy demands that will support their leadership in injecting and upholding equitable policies and practices in regional, state, and local planning processes.