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Amending Article VIII Committee of Units Section 5 (Duties of Standing Committees), in the Bylaws for Units of the NAACP

Insert (Young Adult Committee) as a duty description "q"

q. Young Adult Committee: The committee shall consist of the Youth Unit(s) Presidents and at least five (5) other members appointed by the Branch President. It shall be the function of the Young Adult Committee to: 1) Support all branch activities; 2) Stimulate interest through advocacy training and solicit membership of 25-35 year olds; 3) Create a multi-directional mentorship program (Branch to Young Adults and Young Adult to Youth Units) to serve as support bridge from Youth and College to Branch participation; 4) Provide networking and social opportunities for young adults in the local community; and 5) Encourage the participation of young adults in all activities and leadership within the Branch.

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