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Anti-Discrimination Resolution in the Construction Industry

WHEREAS, the construction industry has experienced considerable growth in building construction and or refurbishing; creating a boost in the industry's job market or contractors and subcontractors; and

WHEREAS, the disparity that exists in the awarding of contracts to local AfricanĀ­ American building developers and contractors suggests discriminatory unethical practices in how these contracts are awarded; and 

WHEREAS, the disparity that exists in the utilization of African American tradespeople in public and private construction projects suggests discriminatory and unethical practices in how these jobs are awarded; and

WHEREAS, such practices have a devastating impact on the well-being of African American communities due to the lack of job training and job placement opportunities; and

WHEREAS, the employment of local citizens would aid in lessening the unemployment and poverty that now exists in African American communities, and other communities of color that are economically depressed; and

WHEREAS, the awarding of contracts to African American contractors and subĀ­ Contractors would increase the number of resources available to them and would assist in the uplifting of communities.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP will monitor such practices that systematically exclude African American contractors and sub-contractors from consideration in the awarding of these contracts; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP will advocate before local, state, and federal policy-making bodies and appropriate governmental regulatory agencies for fairness for African-American contractors and sub-contractors by insisting on geographic or affirmative methods specifically bonding to ensure that contracts are awarded to African-American firms to address under-utilization and the expansion of economic opportunities; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP will insist on and work to secure prevailing and livable wages for construction jobs performed by contractors and/or sub-contractors performing work; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP will advocate for the implementation of local hiring practices that include, (1) extensive and timely community outreach that ensures the widespread distribution of information concerning job availability, (2) the creation of a balanced workforce by recruiting more African Americans for apprenticeship and training programs and providing them with support programs to help ensure successful completion; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls on national, state, and local banks, developers, other financial institutions, and those public and private agencies and organized labor involved in the construction industry and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Labor and its Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs to affirmatively support these efforts and measures.