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Article V, (Governance) Section 12(a) & (e) High School Chapter Advisor in the Bylaws for Units for the NAACP


12. (High School Chapter Advisor)

a. There shall be an Advisor for High School Chapters in conformity with the rules of the Association. The Advisor must be a member in good standing of the Association, be at least twenty-five (25) years of age; and be an employee of the high school in which the High School Chapter operates, and shall be in accord with the aims and objectives of the Association.


12. (High School Chapter Advisor)

a. There shall be an Advisor for High School Chapters in conformity with the rules of the Association. The Advisor must be a member in good standing of the Association, must be at least twenty-five (25) years of age or at least twenty-two (22) years of age if the person is a member of the branch; and must be an employee of the high school in which the High School Chapter operates, and shall be in accord with the aims and objectives of the Association. The Advisor shall serve as an ex- officio member of the High School Chapter Executive Committee without voting rights.