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Change Article III, Section 4(a)(2) (Organizational Structure) in the Bylaws for Units of the NAACP



4(a)(2). (National Assessments)

Fundraising Assessments. The net proceeds of each contribution, entertainment or fundraising effort by a Unit, excluding ACT-SO and Back-To-School/Stay-In-School and other approved programs, except for College Chapters subject to college and/or university fundraising requirements, shall be divided as follows: 25% to the National Office, 75% to the Unit; unless, in any case, written permission is obtained from the National Office for some different division, provided that the entire net proceeds of any fundraising effort for exclusively national purposes shall be transmitted to the National Office.

Notwithstanding the foregoing obligation, a Branch shall be exempt from disbursing 25% of its net proceeds of each contribution, fundraising or entertainment effort to the National Office if, and when, it increases its membership, as recorded by the National Office, by 35% from the previous calendar year, the Branch shall be required to submit only 15% of its net proceeds of each fundraising or entertainment effort for the succeeding year to the National Office. The assessment reduction is earned on a year to year basis, based on the membership increase of the previous year.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, to change Section III, Article 4(a)(2) in the Bylaws for the Units of the NAACP to read as follows:


4(a)(2).(National Assessments)

Fundraising Assessments. The net proceeds of each contribution, entertainment or fundraising effort by a Unit, excluding ACT-SO and Back-To-School/Stay-In-School and other approved programs, except for College Chapters subject to college and/or university fundraising requirements, shall be divided as follows: 25% to the National Office, 75% to the Unit; unless, in any case, written permission is obtained from the National Office for some different division, provided that the entire net proceeds of any fundraising effort for exclusively national purposes shall be transmitted to the National Office.

Notwithstanding the foregoing obligation, a Unit shall be exempt from disbursing 25% of its net proceeds of each contribution, fundraising or entertainment effort to the National Office if, and when, it increases its membership, as recorded by the National Office, by 35% from the previous calendar year, the Unit shall be required to submit only 15% of its net proceeds of each fundraising or entertainment effort for the succeeding year to the National Office. The assessment reduction is earned on a year to year basis, based on the membership increase of the previous year.