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The Crisis: 110th Anniversary Issue (Vol 128)

One year after the founding of the NAACP, co-founder W.E.B. Du Bois created The Crisis magazine, the official publication of the NAACP. 

Du Bois noted that The Crisis would be "A Record of the Darker Races" and wrote of the magazine's formal mission:

It will first and foremost be a newspaper: it will record important happenings and movements in the world which bear on the great problem of inter-racial relations, and especially those which affect the Negro-American.

Secondly, it will be a review of opinion and literature, recording briefly books, articles, and important expressions of opinion in the white and colored press on the race problem.

Thirdly, it will publish a few short articles. Finally, its editorial page will stand for the rights of men, irrespective of color or race, for the highest ideals of American democracy, and for reasonable but earnest and persistent attempts to gain these rights and realize these ideals.

The magazine will be the organ of no clique or party and will avoid personal rancor of all sorts. In the absence of proof to the contrary it will assume honesty of purpose on the part of all men, North and South, white and black.

Today, more than ever, we hear Du Bois' voice.

In the 110th Anniversary issue you'll find:

  • A profile of vice president Kamala Harris
  • Five Black women photographers who capture the next generation of social justice activists
  • President Barack Obama's answers our questions about the current state of affairs
  • Civil rights legend Andrew Young's tribute to his colleagues Rev. Joseph Lowery,  Rev. C.T. Vivian, and Rep. John Lewis
  • BeyGood grant recipients
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