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Definition of Good Standing; Revision to Article VI , Section 2 (b) of Bylaws for Units


Only members in good standing shall be eligible to run for office or vote in a Branch election.  For the purpose of running for office, a member in good standing is one whose name appears on the roll of the Branch as a bona fide member of the Branch by April 1 of the election year and who lives and/or works within the Branch jurisdiction.  For the purpose of being elected to the Nominating Committee or the Election Supervisory Committee, signing a nominating petition or voting in Branch elections, a member in good standing is one who has been a bona fide member of the Branch for at least 30 calendar days prior to the date the election is held or the nominating petition is filed.  For all other purposes, a member in good standing is one who has paid the requisite minimum membership fee to the Branch.    


Only members in good standing shall be eligible to run for office or vote in a Branch election.  For the purpose of running for office, a member in good standing is one whose name appears on the roll of the Branch as a bona fide member of the Branch by April 1 of the election year and remains a continuous member of the branch through the election process; and who lives and/or works within the Branch jurisdiction.  For the purpose of being elected to the Nominating Committee or the Election Supervisory Committee, signing a nominating petition or voting in Branch elections, a member in good standing is one who has been a bona fide member of the Branch for at least 30 calendar days prior to the date the election is held or the nominating petition is filed.  For all other purposes, a member in good standing is one who has paid the requisite minimum membership fee to the Branch.