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Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program (EEHIP)

WHEREAS, the Affordable Care Act has expanded health care coverage to millions of people; and

WHEREAS, roughly 27 million people are uninsured, many of whom do not know that they are eligible for free or low-cost health coverage; and

WHEREAS, more uninsured consumers can be reached through income-tax filling than in any other setting; and

WHEREAS, tax returns are filed by more than 7 in 10 uninsured people who qualify for financial help to pay for health coverage; and

WHEREAS, by making it easy for young and healthy adults to join the individual market, proposed Easy Enrollment Health Program legislation would help stabilize premiums; and

WHEREAS, Easy Enrollment Health Program legislation would provide thousands of families with the access to health care, financial security, and peace of mind that come with health coverage.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People supports the creation of an Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program (EEHIP) in all states that would provide families with access to affordable health care by using the tax system to open an easy pathway to health insurance.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that each State/State Area Conference, through its Political Action Committee is hereby requested to put forth its best efforts to introduce a bill similar to the Maryland EEHIP legislation, to ensure the accomplishment of the goals of this resolution.

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