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Environmental Climate Justice

WHEREAS, greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise as a result of ever greater amounts of fossil fuels being extracted and burned; and

WHEREAS, if present trends continue, the world is facing a catastrophic increase in average global temperature between 3.7 and 6 degrees Celsius; and

WHEREAS, further global warming and climate change will deepen the climate crisis that will magnify the already catastrophic health impacts of fossil fuel pollution, hunger, and malnutrition due to desertification, devastation, and displacement from severe weather events and sea level rise - all leading to immeasurable human suffering and economic devastation; and

WHEREAS, NAACP members have been in the forefront of public advocacy in the form of rallies, marches, and press conferences, and speaking out before legislative bodies to emphasize public health concerns associated with environmental/climate  injustice; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that NAACP, in the spirit of advocacy and a commitment to environmental and climate justice, will continue to affirm prior resolutions to engage in active solidarity with frontline communities, allied organizations, and the greater social movement to resist fossil fuel interests and specific "extreme energy" projects, such as new construction.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NAACP will join with unions and allied organizations to promote democratic, public ownership and control of electrical power generation and distribution as essential to energy transition, sustainable development, and an end to energy poverty worldwide.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that NAACP will continue to work in our communities, nationally and internationally, to build a powerful movement for environmental and climate justice with the life-and-death urgency that this task requires.