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Establishment of a Point Person for International Affairs that Will Link Local Units to the Work of the NAACP in That Area

WHEREAS, the NAACP has a long history of involvement in international issues from the Pan Africanism of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois and the efforts to have U.S. Marines withdraw from Haiti, of James Weldon Johnson through the founding of the United Nations, and the calls to end colonialization, through the fight against apartheid in South Africa, to today's efforts to stop the killing in Darfur; and

WHEREAS, the NAACP has recently been re-accredited as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to the United Nations and established an Office of International Affairs; and

WHEREAS, the strength of the NAACP is in the efforts of its local units; and

WHEREAS, presently only a few local units are active in international issues; and

WHEREAS, the local units look toward the state conferences for guidance.

THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that each Unit may appoint a liaison for International Affairs who can serve to link the work of the National International Affairs Office with the state or local units to increase the involvement of those units with international issues.