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On Humanely Addressing the Contraband Problem in Correctional Institutions

WHEREAS, It is recognized that Correctional Officers/Deputies operating at local, state, and federal levels are fundamentally entrusted with upholding the rights of those who are incarcerated; and 

WHEREAS, Wardens have historically attributed the persistent problem of contraband within correctional facilities, particularly drugs, to the illicit import by the friends and families of prisoners via visits and mailed greeting cards; and 

WHEREAS, Credible reports and testimonies from inmates and employees alike suggest that contraband is at times introduced into prison settings by members of the staff; and 2024 RESOLUTIONS 19 

WHEREAS, Despite the implementation of stringent anti-contraband measures and the cessation of visits from family and friends, the occurrence of drug-related incidents within correctional facilities has remained stable, and the incidence of discipline related to drug infractions has increased; and 

WHEREAS, The current approaches to mitigate contraband risk involve evolving tactics, recognizing methods such as drone deliveries, mail complicity, and the unfortunate involvement of corrupt employees; and 

WHEREAS, The methods employed in certain contraband search practices, including the shackling, taping, and isolation of inmates under continuous bright lighting for extended periods, constitute inhumane treatment and may be considered torture; and 

WHEREAS, Prisoners have been subjected to searches involving excessive restraints, such as being dressed in multiple layers of clothing and taped with fiberglass strapping that causes physical discomfort, restricted circulation, and skin damage upon removal; and 

WHEREAS, The search for contraband is a critical security component within prisons but raises human rights concerns when executed without strict adherence to consistency with legality, necessity, proportionality, and humane treatment, with potential violations including invasive searching, disproportionate use, discrimination, and use of excessive force; and 

WHEREAS, The utilization of electronic measures for contraband monitoring promises a more sophisticated, non-invasive, and potentially more humane approach to the problem, using technologies such as full-body scanners and metal detectors to identify and interdict illegal items; and 

WHEREAS, Clear laws and regulations are essential to protect individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures in correctional facilities. 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ("NAACP") petitions Congress and the Director of the Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons, to establish and enforce oversight mechanisms to prevent rights violations during contraband searches; maintaining detailed records of searches is crucial for transparency and accountability and provides a mechanism to address grievances; and 

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED the NAACP urges Congress and state legislative bodies to create statutory authority for civilian review boards, granting them subpoena power and the ability to investigate complaints, review patterns and practices of misconduct, and ensure independent oversight of contraband search practices.

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