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Implementation of Women in the NAACP (“WIN”) as a Standing Committee

WHEREAS, Women in the NAACP ("WIN") as been an important part of the NAACP since 1988; and

WHEREAS, WIN has worked tirelessly and faithfully voiced the unique concerns of women serving the NAACP; and

WHEREAS, WIN has helped raise millions of dollars to help support NAACP activities on local, statewide, conference-wide and national levels; and

WHEREAS, WIN'S effectiveness in organizing women to work on behalf of issues of vital concern to the NAACP would be enhanced by creating WIN committees as a standing committee (similar to other NAACP standing committees like legal redress).

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP establish, as a standing committee at the local, statewide, conference-wide, and national levels, the "WIN COMMITTEE."