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Monitoring and Oversight of Amtrak Minority Business Participation on Facility Construction and Upgrades

WHEREAS, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the "Passenger Rail Reform Investment Act of 2015" which included Amendment 67, specifically requiring the participation of socially and economically disadvantaged businesses in the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for Amtrak Station development opportunities; and

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Transportation has established specific Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation goals ranging from 6% to 12% participation based on availability and utilization; and

WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of Amendment 67 of H.R. 749 is to have a positive impact on the economic health of MBEs and inner city communities where the majority of Amtrak stations are located; and

WHEREAS, in 2010, by resolution, the NAACP has expressed its support of a national effort to address the disparity in minority hiring and contracting with respect to transportation issues.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NAACP supports final Congressional passage and implementation of the "Passenger Rail Reform Act of 2015" (which includes Amendment 67 calling for participation of MBEs in the Request for Proposal process for Amtrak Station development opportunities) with the full funding to implement the Small Business Participation Study outlined in the Act to determine disparities in the opportunities afforded to MBEs in intercity rail projects administered by the Federal Rail Administration; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that, at the end of the study period, the NAACP calls upon the US Department of Transportation and the Federal Rail Administration to provide semi-annual MBE utilization progress reports to review MBE utilization and to ensure their intended success.

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