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Post-Secondary Education

WHEREAS, the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has long been a champion of state and federal laws that provide post-secondary students with every opportunity to succeed in society; and

WHEREAS, schooling after high school is a vital tool to gaining access into the job market; and

WHEREAS, post-secondary education has a race gap that needs to be addressed; and

WHEREAS, post-secondary education serves the purpose of gaining employment that leads to economic prosperity; the goal of the government in the United States should be to help provide all communities with that opportunity, not exclude minorities through the use of discriminatory admissions practices; and

WHEREAS, the American educational system is not race-neutralDiscriminatory admissions practices continue to target African Americans; and

WHEREAS, such practices are illustrated in the recent college admissions scandal, underscoring the racial and economic disparities that affect admission into post-secondary institutions. Wealthy (and usually White) students have access to a far-reaching network of high-priced college preparation courses and counselors, which provides them with an advantage over their Black counterparts for admissions into the most prestigious universities; and

WHEREAS, even when universities recruit students of a variety of racial backgrounds, those opportunities are associated with a backlash, as students of color often have their qualifications questioned when they arrive on these elite campuses; and

WHEREAS, the disparateimpact of discriminatory admission practices is widespread throughout communities of color and serve to deny people of color access to post-secondary education; and

WHEREAS, discriminatory admissions practices destroy the economic well-being of its victims by perpetuating discrimination in the labor market.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP opposes the discriminatory admissions practices associated with post-secondary education in the United States and will work through the local, state, and federal legislative process to make sure that such practices will be prohibited.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the NAACP will work to identify and assist victims of discriminatory post-secondary education admission practices by exposing those who engage in these practices that do great harm to our communities.

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