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Public & Charter Schools Fulfilling the Promise of Brown v Board

WHEREAS, to best educate children attending schools in the poorest communities, all schools (traditional, charter, and community) in the inner city must ascribe and adhere to the following opportunities to learn:

  • Employ certified teachers who are qualified and believe that all children can learn;
  • Employ academic administrators who are courageous, hands-on leaders, who can mentor weak teachers and reassign incompetent teachers;
  • Develop a salary schedule and monetary rewards commensurate with the teacher's skills and seniority;
  • Offer the same rigorous curriculum to every child, if not, then consult with the parent and review the alternative curriculum;
  • Provide mandatory make up classes for students missing their academic
  • learning because of excessive substitute teaching in the classes;
  • Develop a parent learning center that teaches successful parenting partnership with the school;
  • Engage in effective community-based teacher evaluation as well as valid and appropriate student learning evaluation and measures of parent partnership effectiveness; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) local units advocate for the adoption of this resolution by local school boards and city councils.