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Quality Healthcare for Al

WHEREAS, Strategic Plan objective 9.2 (a) states that the National Health Division should design a phased-in approach to universal coverage, calling first for full health coverage for children, families with children and eventually universal coverage. The strategy should also focus on the needs of seniors, including the importance of coverage for prescriptions and access to quality home healthcare; and

WHEREAS, reports show that a lack of access to quality health care is a contributing factor to health disparities in the minority community; and

WHEREAS, the NAACP has determined that universal healthcare coverage would benefit all people and communities, especially those with the greatest need and should be provided to all Americans.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that any health care coverage legislation supported by the NAACP should include the following components:

a. choice of physicians;

b. access to efficacious medicines;

c. care available in patient's neighborhood (Laboratories, Emergency Rooms or Hospital);

d. preventive care covered and encouraged to include: Colonoscopy, Mammography, eye exams, physical exams, Immunizations, smoking cessation, Obesity treatment and Substance Abuse Care;

e. mental and dental healthcare coverage with mental health on parity with medical coverage; and

f. coverage, to include a process for racial and ethnic data collection to better determine the effectiveness of healthcare coverage and progress on ending health disparities.