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Using Data to Advance Excellence, Not Construct Deficits, Among Black Students

WHEREAS, Black children in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade settings have historically been subjected to low expectations from educators, causing long-lasting damage to the educational, economic, and social outcomes of Black students; and

WHEREAS, Standardized tests have been used as a tool to maintain systemic racism, preventing Black students from receiving the care and support they need to excel; and

WHEREAS, The Civil Rights Data Collection, which is critical to addressing institutionalized discrimination and advocating for necessary changes in the education system, has been delayed due to incomplete or missing data from states, leading to major setbacks for educational advocacy efforts; and

WHEREAS, Without proper data, education advocates are unable to combat discriminatory practices or target areas that need attention, leaving many Black students at risk of not receiving quality educational experiences and future opportunities; and

WHEREAS, To facilitate educational excellence among Black pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade learners, there needs to be policy changes centered around holistic approaches, data transparency and storytelling, and an emphasis on non-deficit theories and instructional practices.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for a fundamental policy shift to prioritize data-driven efforts to advance excellence among Black students, providing tailored interventions to address the root issues of institutionalized discrimination and promote equity and inclusion.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP demands states to prioritize data transparency and storytelling, providing a complete Civil Rights Data Collection annually, including race and ethnicity data, along with socioeconomic and school-level data, to promote greater accountability and push for meaningful change and informed education policy at local, state and national levels.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for education policymakers to fundamentally shift the narrative around Black students' achievements and their potential, emphasizing non-deficit theories in curriculum, teaching and assessment practices, and promoting culturally responsive education strategies that validate the strengths and assets Black students bring to the classroom.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls on all members of the education community, including policymakers, advocates, and educators, to join forces to combat discrimination, promote equity, and uplift Black students' voices and experiences to ensure that every Black student has a chance to thrive and succeed in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade education and beyond.

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