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Oppose H.R. 9495: Protect Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Organizations Are In Danger

With H.R. 9495, the incoming administration is threatening to use their power to undermine our freedoms by dismantling tax-exempt organizations they don't like. Now, civil society groups across the political spectrum are at serious risk, including the NAACP. 

This "Kill Nonprofits Bill" is unnecessary - offering no protection against the intent of the executive branch to misuse their authority to shut down an organization it disagrees with, without due process. Now is the time to stand up for justice, for free speech, and to protect organizations that fight for the rights of the people. 

Email Your Senator

The effects of H.R. 9495 could be immense. Any organization criticizing government policies or powerful interests could have its tax-exempt status stripped away arbitrarily by a designation that it is "terrorist supporting."

Passing this bill would hand the incoming Administration a dangerous tool it could use to stifle free speech, target political opponents, and punish disfavored groups.

We will not stand by while the assault on our democracy and right to protest continues. Email your senator to oppose H.R. 9495 and protect the nonprofit organizations that work to protect you.

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