NAACP Announces President Joe Biden as Key Speaker at 115th National Convention in Las Vegas

July 8, 2024
Contact: Alicia Mercedes, amercedes@naacpnet.org
WASHINGTON – Today, the nation's preeminent civil rights organization announced President Joe Biden will join the group as a key speaker at the 115th National NAACP Convention taking place in Las Vegas from July 13 to July 17.
"Ahead of this crucial election, the NAACP has worked fervently to educate our members and our community on the importance of exercising our right to vote," said NAACP President and CEO, Derrick Johnson. "The rights of Black Americans are under rampant attack - from efforts to limit access to education, the mass absolving of diversity programs, and officials at every level actively working to dilute voting rights. There is no better time than now for our presidential candidates to reassure our community that our voices are heard and our concerns are a priority. We welcome President Joe Biden as a key speaker at our national convention. It is our hope that we leave Las Vegas feeling more empowered to cast our ballot - knowing in full faith that we will not be silenced."
President Joe Biden engaged with The Association multiple times this spring. The current president and presidential candidate gave an address at the NAACP's Brown v. Board 70th anniversary event at the National African American History and Culture Museum. He also attended the NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Detroit as a key speaker for the annual event.
The NAACP has shared invitations to both presidential candidates as a welcome to address its members at the upcoming national convention.
The NAACP advocates, agitates, and litigates for the civil rights due to Black America. Our legacy is built on the foundation of grassroots activism by the biggest civil rights pioneers of the 20th century and is sustained by 21st century activists. From classrooms and courtrooms to city halls and Congress, our network of members across the country works to secure the social and political power that will end race-based discrimination. That work is rooted in racial equity, civic engagement, and supportive policies and institutions for all marginalized people. We are committed to a world without racism where Black people enjoy equitable opportunities in thriving communities.
NOTE: The Legal Defense Fund – also referred to as the NAACP-LDF - was founded in 1940 as a part of the NAACP, but now operates as a completely separate entity.