NAACP Joins Biden-Harris Administration to Announce $20 Billion Grants for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

April 4, 2024
Contact: Alicia Mercedes, amercedes@naacpnet.org
WASHINGTON — Today the NAACP joined Vice President Kamala Harris and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Administrator Michael Regan as the administration announced its selections for $20 billion in grant awards through the historic Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), which was created under the Inflation Reduction Act as part of President Biden's Investing in America agenda.
This announcement comes on the heels of the NAACP and EPA's trip to Portland, Oregon last month to tour various sustainable buildings and discuss pathways to funding sustainable developments in frontline communities through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The visit, hosted by NAACP, showcased the power of investing in community and served as a step toward integrating sustainability into the development of NAACP's new headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Derrick Johnson, NAACP President and CEO released the following statement:
"For far too long, Black America has been deprived of the capital necessary to restore and reinvigorate our communities to meet the challenges we are disproportionately burdened with. Let's be clear - the environmental challenges of today cannot be addressed without sufficient economic investments that will mitigate the perils of tomorrow. Today's announcement is a welcome step towards righting the wrongs of the past to build a more sustainable and equitable future. The NAACP is proud to continue pushing for policies that prioritize a forward-looking vision for our nation, our culture, and our community."
The NAACP continues to advocate for environmental and climate justice, economic equity, and access to capital for Black Americans. The Association is a staunch advocate for projects that create healthier, rather than harmful developments. Through continuing partnerships with crucial organizations such as the EPA, we create equitable solutions and forge a path forward for underresourced Black communities.
For more information on our environmental climate justice work, visit our website.
The NAACP advocates, agitates, and litigates for the civil rights due to Black America. Our legacy is built on the foundation of grassroots activism by the biggest civil rights pioneers of the 20th century and is sustained by 21st century activists. From classrooms and courtrooms to city halls and Congress, our network of members across the country works to secure the social and political power that will end race-based discrimination. That work is rooted in racial equity, civic engagement, and supportive policies and institutions for all marginalized people. We are committed to a world without racism where Black people enjoy equitable opportunities in thriving communities.
NOTE: The Legal Defense Fund – also referred to as the NAACP-LDF - was founded in 1940 as a part of the NAACP, but now operates as a completely separate entity.