NAACP President and CEO, Derrick Johnson, Releases Statement on the House's Passage of President Biden's Build Back Better Plan
NAACP President and CEO, Derrick Johnson, Released the Following Statement on the House's Passage of President Biden's Build Back Better Act:
"The NAACP applauds members of the House of Representatives for passing the Build Back Better Act. This historic legislation will not only continue efforts to fight climate change but will also:
- provide crucial funding for families in reducing the cost of child and eldercare
- ensure a comprehensive child tax credit
- provide universal pre-K
- boosts Pell grants for college tuition
- provide guaranteed paid leave
- expand Medicaid and Medicare
- lower the cost of prescription drugs
- provide investments in worker training programs and in affordable and low-income housing
The Build Back Better Act will have monumental positive impacts on addressing long-standing racial disparities impacting Black communities across this country. It will provide the investments necessary to reduce the generational impacts of child poverty, address access to fair and affordable housing, provide equitable educational opportunities, provide our elders with the support and the medical resources they need, create equity by providing time off with pay, and create training programs that expand access to new and in-demand jobs. These investments represent a step in the right direction and have the ability to chip away at decades of economic disenfranchisement maintained by past racist policies and racialized practices.
While we celebrate the passing of the Build Back Better Act, we now urge the Senate to expediently pass the House bill, with no amendments, and make these long-overdue investments a reality that will reshape the lives of all Black families and communities."