NAACP Releases Statement on Police Killing of Amir Locke

A city that was marred by the public lynching of George Floyd less than two years ago has once again been thrust into the spotlight for what can only be described as unforgivable police practices. Amir Locke, 22, was not the subject of the MPD's warrant, had no prior police record, was in possession of a legal firearm, and is now the latest victim of what has become known as "police executions" across the country. Our communities cannot be asked to trust law enforcement on a consistent basis when the dead provide more answers than the living. Our communities cannot be asked to be patient as all the facts emerge, while law enforcement omits facts in the hopes of avoiding media backlash. A life was taken, which demands transparency, but perhaps more importantly, accountability. We demand that the MPD officer who killed Amir Locke be terminated immediately. During this difficult time, the NAACP would like to send thoughts, prayers, and comfort to Amir Locke's family. We are dedicated to ensuring that a badge is never used as a shield for accountability.