NAACP Responds to Federal Indictment of Former Officers Involved in the Death of Tyre Nichols

September 12, 2023
Contact: amercedes@naacpnet.org
WASHINGTON — A federal grand jury has indicted five former Memphis police officers involved in the death of Tyre Nichols earlier this year. The list of charges include conspiracy, federal civil rights, and obstruction offenses. NAACP President and CEO, Derrick Johnson, responded with the following statement:
"Today, the NAACP celebrates this pivotal victory in the fight to deliver justice for the Nichols family. We commend the Justice Department for taking the necessary actions to hold these former officers accountable for the inhumane crimes they committed. However, the sad reality is that this fight is far from over. We will not rest until our Congressional leaders deliver the necessary reforms to prevent the continued brutalization of Black America at the hands of those tasked with 'serving and protecting' us. Enough is enough. It's time to step up and do your jobs."
Founded in 1909 in response to the ongoing violence against Black people around the country, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the largest and most pre-eminent civil rights organization in the nation. We have over 2,200 units and branches across the nation, along with well over 2M activists. Our mission is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.
NOTE: The Legal Defense Fund – also referred to as the NAACP-LDF – was founded in 1940 as a part of the NAACP, but separated in 1957 to become a completely separate entity. It is recognized as the nation's first civil and human rights law organization and shares our commitment to equal rights.