NAACP Statement on the Reconciliation Bill Agreement
WASHINGTON – Abre' Conner, Director of the NAACP's Center for Environmental and Climate Justice, released the following statement on the announcement of an agreement between Sen. Schumer and Sen. Manchin for the reconciliation bill:
"We are optimistic about the emerging bipartisan support for a reconciliation bill. Consensus on climate provisions would be a historic step in the right direction for tackling the climate crisis that impacts Black people and people of color at disproportionate rates. Our communities have higher exposure to carbon emissions and all emission sectors. Therefore, financial investment in climate issues and plans to reduce toxic emissions would be a vital step toward climate justice. The NAACP will be closely monitoring proposals to dedicate funding to environmental justice initiatives. Investments in clean energy, preservation of forestry, and urban farming have the potential to tangibly build healthy and environmentally friendly communities for all people. We look forward to reviewing the specifics of the reconciliation proposal to ensure that historically excluded communities represented by the NAACP receive high priority."