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Action Congress

Policy & Legislation

Progress requires policies. We work to transform the Black community's priorities into actionable public policy through the legislative process at every level of government — federal, state, and local. Civic engagement, racial equity, and supportive policies and institutions are in our DNA.

Advocacy at Every Level of Government

Engaging with elected officials and administrations, from the White House to statehouses and city halls, is central to our mission. We tackle issues that impact the Black community, including economic opportunity, education, and criminal justice reform, through coordinated efforts at federal, state, and local levels. 

Our work continues to ensure civil rights and social justice for all.

Woman in front of Capitol - Styled Home Hero

Our Policy Priorities

America cannot truly progress until all Americans have equal and equitable access, and this can only be achieved by centering Black people in every agenda. We're advocating for policies that enhance the lives of Black Americans across the nation, such as:

  • Protecting and expanding the right to vote
  • Addressing high housing costs
  • Expanding connectivity to underserved communities
  • Ensuring equitable tax policies
  • Prioritizing reproductive justice and health
  • Guaranteed health care for all
  • Removing student debt burdens and Increasing financial aid for higher education
  • Supporting a green economy that empowers Black entrepreneurs nationwide

Taking our demands to Capitol Hill

Vigil in Front of the U.S. Capitol Building - Night
Teal Scribble

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