Change Article X, Section 5 (Notice of Complaint Right to Answer) in the Bylaws for Units of the NAACP
Expulsion, Suspension or Removal of Officers and Members
5. (Notice of Complaint and Right to Answer)
Upon receipt of the complaint by certified or regular mail, the National Office shall forward a copy of the complaint by mail to the officer or member against whom it has been filed at the officer or member's correct address of record within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the complaint. The respondent officer or member shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the receipt of the complaint to file a written response by certified or regular mail, sent to the Chief of Field Operations. The 15-day period shall commence to run from the time service of the complaint is complete. Service of the complaint upon the officer or member shall be deemed complete five (5) days after the complaint was mailed by the Chief of National Field Operations.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, to change Article X, Section 5 in the Bylaws for the Units for the NAACP to read as follows:
5. (Notice of Complaint and Right to Answer)
Upon receipt of the complaint by certified or regular mail, the National Office shall forward a copy of the complaint by mail to the officer or member against whom it has been filed at the officer or member's correct address of record within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the complaint. The respondent officer or member shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the receipt of the complaint to file a written response by certified and regular mail, sent to the attention of the Vice President of Field Operations and Membership Department. The 15-day period shall commence to run from the time service of the complaint is complete. Service of the complaint upon the officer or member shall be deemed complete five (5) days after the complaint was mailed by the Vice President of Field Operations and Membership Department.