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Changes to Special Meetings; Revision to Article V, Section 5 of the Bylaws for Units

Current Language

5. (Special Meetings of Branches, Youth Units and Authorized Committees) 

Special Meetings may be called at any time and place and on three days written notice to all members by the President, or by any three members of the Executive Committee; or by any ten members of the Unit by signed declaration to the Secretary, who in turn must call the meeting. The notice must state the purpose for which the meeting is called.

Revised Language

5. (Special Meetings of Branches, Youth Units and Authorized Committees) 

Special Meetings may be called at any time and place and on three days written notice to all members by the President, or by any three members of the Executive Committee; or by any ten members of the Unit by signed declaration to the Secretary, who in turn must call the meeting. The notice must state the purpose for which the meeting is called: if the meeting is to be held via teleconference or electronic meeting, then the conference call number or sign in code must be provided.