Community Alternatives Pilot
WHEREAS, eighty-five percent (85%) of the Milwaukee County Jail's population is black, and blacks constitute only thirty percent (30 %) of the County's population; and
WHEREAS, this disproportionate figure is partially reflective of discriminatorily applied prosecutorial and police discretion and inadequate legal representation, both retained and court appointed; and
WHEREAS, the figure is also reflective that sixty-percent (60%) are non‑violent drug-related offenses with a sizeable percent for first-time drug possession; and
WHEREAS, many are being charged for felony possession for minuscule amounts of marijuana and crack (cocaine) and subjected to mandatory sentencing; and
WHEREAS, the current law allows for a seventeen (17) year old to be charged as an adult felon, limiting their civic participation for the pursuit of a quality of life; and
WHEREAS, the Milwaukee Branch NAACP has engaged in a joint pilot study of these issues, and in working in a collaborative effort, has established a program to mentor and intervene with first-time drug offenses to eliminate these occurrences and re‑integrate the offender into the community.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Officeshould review this project to determine if it should become national in scope and work to amend local statutes that criminalize African Americans