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Action Justice

The First 100 Days Virtual Town Hall

Action Justice

The new year started off with an insurrection that threatened our democracy. On January 6, 2021 white supremacists stormed the U.S. Capitol determined to overturn the 2020 election. The deadly riot happened just weeks before the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the nation's first woman, African American and South Asian to hold the post.

The new administration was faced with controlling a pandemic that continues to have a disproportionate impact on minority communities and uniting a nation rocked by the killings of unarmed Black Americans by law enforcement. It was an extraordinary crisis that required compassion and commitment to racial justice.

In this conversation, leading policymakers discuss the bold and meaningful actions needed to address systemic inequalities during the Biden administration's first 100 days.

The conversation was moderated by journalist April Ryan. Panelists included:

  • Ambassador Susan Rice, Director, Domestic Policy Advisor
  • Secretary Marcia Fudge, Housing and Urban Development
  • Representative Joyce Beatty, Chair, Congressional Black Caucus
  • Representative Karen Bass, California's 37th Congressional District
  • Derrick Johnson, President & CEO, NAACP

The First 100 Days

Teal Supreme Court
Together Power Vote Hero - NAACP

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NAACP is going ALL IN because democracy is on the ballot and only we, the people, have the power to protect it. Rush a donation now to fuel our critical voter turnout efforts!
