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Making Communities Smart and Safe through Violence Reduction

WHEREAS, violence is a pressing issue with real impacts in our communities; and


WHEREAS, most forms of violence are caused by family instability, improper parenting, intergenerational dynamics, hopelessness, poverty, lack of education, need for social acceptance, limited positive role models, negative media images, lack of effective and engaging community programs, unemployment, drugs, prison, which tend to be (Gang Training Camps) an overwhelmed justice system and racism, among other causes; and

WHEREAS, this resolution supports the Federal Bonding Program as far as the tax credit businesses and corporations to hire qualified employees so that they can gain livable employment; and


WHEREAS, such violence is causing youth of color to be incarcerated at disproportionately higher rates; and


WHEREAS, such violence is causing youth, and particularly African-American men, to disproportionately suffer higher rates of homicide; and


WHEREAS, such violence is causing communities of color to experience disproportionately higher crime rates, making neighborhoods and communities of color unsafe.


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP research best practices for evidenced-based safe community models, make information available about best practices and encourage units to advocate for best practices that lead to crime reduction.

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