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NAACP Resolution for Comprehensive Election Reform

WHEREAS, the NAACP believes that all Americans have the constitutionally protected right to an electoral process that is free, accessible, fair and accountable; and

WHEREAS, the current U.S. electoral system is plagued by barriers in voter registration, voter education, election administration, election protection, and Get­-Out-The-Vote efforts that impede certain citizens from participating in local, state, and federal elections; and

WHEREAS, voter identification requirements are burdensome and restrictive measures that hinder access to the ballot box for minority, elderly, and young voters; and

WHEREAS, deceptive practices such as misinformation and polling location challenges have become common symptoms of a flawed electoral process that adversely affect communities of color; and

WHEREAS, felony disenfranchisement presently impedes 5.3 million Americans from participating in the electoral process due to felony convictions despite having completed their sentences; and

WHEREAS, the administration of elections which includes the maintenance of voter files, precinct allocation, and poll worker training among other items needs to be enhanced to ensure fair access and management of elections; and

WHEREAS, absentee ballots in many states require voters to submit their request for an absentee ballot in writing and have an "excuse" for not being able to appear in person on Election Day; and

WHEREAS, current procedures for issuing, casting, and counting provisional ballots are not uniform and reliable.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP is firmly committed to advocating for comprehensive election reform that enhances the ability of all eligible voters to register to vote, cast informed ballots, and have them counted on Election Day; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP supports policies that promote uniform and non-discriminatory voter identification requirements that are not limited to photo identification; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for the end of deceptive practices that confuse, mislead, intimidate, and hinder voters from casting their ballots on Election Day and for the establishment of structures and criminal penalties for acts of voter suppression; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for the automatic restoration of rights for ex-offenders upon completion of their incarceration; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for fair access and administration of elections that includes a uniform and non-discriminatory method for maintaining a public record of all registered voters, allocating sufficient polling location resources, and training of poll workers; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for early voting and permanent "no excuse" absentee voting to be made available in all 50 states and for a clear and uniform process for the accessibility, distribution, and counting of absentee ballots; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for the establishment of a uniform and non-discriminatory process for issuing, casting, and counting provisional ballots; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the NAACP calls for the use of verifiable, reliable, and trustworthy voting machines and other technologies that allow voters to cast a ballot and have it counted on Election Day as well as in any audit conducted after an election.