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Non-profit to For-profit Hospital Status

WHEREAS,  health care access is one of the underpinnings of the NAACP as a civil rights issue; and

WHEREAS,  non-profit hospitals with affiliated healthcare organizations  have community services as integral aspects of their vision, mission, strategic objectives; and

WHEREAS,  non-profit hospitals are required to have community benefit programs as part of their 501(c)(3) status; and

WHEREAS, community benefit programs disproportionately impact and generally benefit minority communities; and

WHEREAS, for-profit hospitals and health care organizations have a traditional stock owner return on investment mission, which may undermine historic community benefit programs, unlike their non-profit counterparts; and

WHEREAS, many for-profits drive efficiency to increase margins that may come at the expense of mission services.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that NAACP units become involved in proposed not-for-profit to for-profit transitions to for profit entities in their state and town to assure no diminution in benefits; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NAACP units should advocate for full participatory status in proposed transactions of not-for profit to for-profit hospitals and systems to protect the core access and availability of services; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the NAACP calls for the funds resulting from the sale/transfer of a not-for-profit health/hospital entity to a for-profit entity, shall fund a non-profit foundation whose mission shall prominently include providing support and services to the African American and underserved people in the jurisdiction of the local units.

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