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Prioritizing Racial Equity as a Pillar of the Biden-Harris Administration

WHEREAS, President Biden's Executive Order 13895 of January 20, 2021, seeks to advance racial equity and reaffirming equal opportunity as a bedrock principle; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Order establishes the Domestic Policy Council as the coordinating entity responsible for both formulation and implementation of efforts to embed equity principles across the Federal Government; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Order directs the OMB Director to complete a six-month study assessing whether barriers to full participation regarding race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability are created or exacerbated by federal actions and report to the President no later than July 20, 2021; and

WHEREAS, each agency head is directed to select programs and policies for review that will inform the equity assessment. Each agency is to complete their review by mid-August 2021 and report on: 1) potential barriers underserved communities and individuals face when enrolling or accessing Federal benefits and services; 2) potential barriers underserved communities and individuals face when seeking procurement and contracting opportunities; 3) the need for new policies to advance equity in agency actions; and 4) the level of institutional resources available to offices mandated to serving disadvantaged communities; and

WHEREAS, the OMB Director is to identify opportunities to promote racial equity in the President's Budget and coordinate with all agencies to increase investments in underserved communities and produce a plan addressing any barriers to full and equal participation identified in the equity assessment by January 20, 2022; and

WHEREAS, the need for adequate staffing, resources and support are foundational to the long- term success of this renewed push to address systemic racism and improve the health, education, judicial and economic outcomes for Black Americans; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP urges President Biden to provide an update on the Administration's efforts to complete its racial equity assessment and produce a Fiscal Year 2023 Federal Budget that reflects the utmost importance of achieving racial equity.