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Renewing the NAACP Youth & College Division's Partnership with the Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO)

WHEREAS, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People created the NAACP Youth & College Division 75 years ago with the mission to inform youth of the problems affecting African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities; to advance the economic, education, social and political status of African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities and their harmonious cooperation with other peoples; to stimulate an appreciation of the African Diaspora and other people of color's contribution to civilization; and to develop an intelligent, militant effective youth leadership; and

WHEREAS, the Afro-Academics, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO), is an initiative of the NAACP founded in 1978, by renowned author and journalist, Vernon Jarrett, which provides a forum through which African American youth demonstrate academic, artistic, and scientific prowess and expertise, thereby gaining the same recognition often reserved for entertainers and athletes; and

WHEREAS, both programs seek to empower youth across the nation and throughout the association; and

WHEREAS, both programs increase involvement and participation in the association.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP Youth College Division and ACT-SO will work together to increase interest in both programs; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ACT-SO will work towards making all participants' members; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NAACP Youth & College Division units will aid in recruitment of members to participate in ACT-SO; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that partnering these two programs will create well­ rounded leaders to lead us now and into the future.