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Resolution in Support of Norton Resolution Urging City Governments and State Legislatures to Support Full Voting Rights for the District of Columbia

WHEREAS, the residents of the District of Columbia, the Nation's Capital, are denied congressional voting representation, and

WHEREAS, this country is founded on the principles of democracy and voting representation, and residents of the District of Columbia have honorably fulfilled the requirements of citizenship, pay taxes and fought and died in every American war, and

WHEREAS, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton has drafted a resolution, "Resolution in Support of Full Voting Rights for the District of Columbia" for adoption by city governments, state legislatures and other legislative bodies supporting the passage of the "No Taxation Without Representation Act".

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP reaffirms its support of full voting representation for the District of Columbia, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the NAACP endorses the Norton "Resolution and other initiatives in Support of Full Voting Rights for the District of Columbia".