NAACP Partners with DOE & Advocacy Organizations to Support Borrowers and Promote SAVE Plan

August 22, 2023
Contact: Alicia Mercedes, amercedes@naacpnet.org
WASHINGTON – Today, the NAACP announced its strategic partnership with leading grassroots organizations, Civic Nation, the National Urban League (NUL), Rise, the Student Debt Crisis Center, UnidosUS, and Young Invincibles to collaboratively support the Department of Education's launch of the SAVE Plan.
This nationwide outreach campaign called "SAVE on Student Debt" helps to ensure borrowers are able to take full advantage of resources available from the Department of Education. The public-private partnership builds upon the direct outreach underway from Federal Student Aid and loan servicers by leveraging strategic partnerships across public, private, and nonprofit sectors to support borrowers and ensure they reap the benefits provided by the SAVE plan.
"The NAACP firmly believes that the pursuit of a higher education should not condemn American families to a lifetime of financial strain. Let's be clear - there is no racial equity without economic equity. That's why the NAACP remains committed to finding equitable options for Americans crippling under the unbearable weight of student loan debt," said Derrick Johnson, President and CEO. "This partnership with the Department of Education is just the beginning. We must continue to find innovative ways to support borrowers despite the efforts that have been made to eradicate student debt solutions. We look forward to our communities receiving the relief they deserve through the SAVE plan. The NAACP will continue to engage in partnerships like this one to ensure that we are remaining proactive in addressing the student debt crisis and alleviating the disproportionate burden shouldered by countless Black borrowers."
The updated income-driven repayment application tool is available on StudentAid.gov and student loan borrowers can now officially enroll in the Saving on A Valuable Education (SAVE) plan. The NAACP will promote the plan widely by mobilizing our youth advocates to assist borrowers enrolling in SAVE and through hosting briefings and trainings for members at the state level at their conventions this fall.
"Education should be the key to financial freedom, not the barrier. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we continue the work necessary to ensure equitable access to education," said Wisdom Cole, National Director of the Youth and College Division. "Americans, particularly Black Americans, are in crisis and now is not the time to back down. We are excited to work with the Administration, and will continue to engage in this collaborative work to forge pathways towards comprehensive student debt forgiveness. The SAVE plan is a step in the right direction as we continue to identify and dismantle all barriers to student debt forgiveness."
For more information on NAACP student debt cancellation efforts, visit our website.
The NAACP advocates, agitates, and litigates for the civil rights due to Black America. Our legacy is built on the foundation of grassroots activism by the biggest civil rights pioneers of the 20th century and is sustained by 21st century activists. From classrooms and courtrooms to city halls and Congress, our network of members across the country works to secure the social and political power that will end race-based discrimination. That work is rooted in racial equity, civic engagement, and supportive policies and institutions for all marginalized people. We are committed to a world without racism where Black people enjoy equitable opportunities in thriving communities.
NOTE: The Legal Defense Fund – also referred to as the NAACP-LDF - was founded in 1940 as a part of the NAACP, but now operates as a completely separate entity.