Faith Forward: Election 2024
Connecting faith and civic duty
Micah 6:8 And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
This election season the stakes are high. Some elected officials are rolling back rights that we thought were fundamental. Our right to vote is being challenged. Our history is being erased. This country is trying to walk back the equal access to opportunities that is everyone's right.
The change we want to see will take all of us, especially the faith leaders and congregations that serve as community centers.
Below, find the resources you need to fuel your house of worship's commitment to mobilizing and amplifying Black voters.
Souls to the Polls Checklist
As the country enters the final weeks of the election season, power an effective Souls to the Polls outreach program for your church.
Faiths United to Save Democracy
The recent assault on democracy makes it more difficult for voters who are low-income, black and brown, elderly, students, and disabled to exercise their sacred right to vote. The 2024 election will be a test of our democracy and our faith. Early planning and even more robust strategic engagement by the faith community is critical.
Your State's Voter Guides
People often don't vote because they don't know where candidates stand and are confused about how to find out.
From analyzing key issues that impact your community to learning about your state's voter deadlines, our voter guides help you decide how to vote and who should represent you in elected offices.
501(c)(3) Guidance
Learn more about what it takes to protect your church's 501(c)(3) status, identify proper involvement in elections, and more.