NAACP State Legislative Advocacy Week
Calling on Our Lawmakers
Lobbying our elected officials is a powerful tool for advocacy and change. In our continuing fight for social justice, the policies and laws enacted at the state level have profound impacts on our communities. State governments control a wide range of issues directly affecting our daily lives, from education and healthcare to voting rights and criminal justice.
During the last week in February, NAACP advocates will visit state legislatures across the country to uplift issues important to the Black community. Join your local NAACP unit to meet with state legislators or rally at your state capital to advocate for policies that matter to you and the Black community.

Know the Issues
We're advocating to improve education, health, environmental, economic, and justice outcomes for the Black community. Use these policy briefs to provide context and recommendations when meeting with elected officials.
If you are a branch leader in one of the following states, sign up to let your State Conference know you'll attend a day of advocacy in your state capital. They will follow up with the final details.
Alabama State Conference NAACP Legislative Rally Day
Friday, March 1 - Montgomery, AL
Indiana State Conference NAACP Legislative Day at the State Capitol
Monday, Feb. 26 - Indianapolis, IN
Mississippi State Conference Advocacy Day
Tuesday, Feb. 27 - Jackson, MS
Missouri State Conference Day at the Capitol
Tuesday, Feb. 27 - Jefferson City, MO
New York
New York State Conference NAACP Lobby Day
Tuesday, Feb. 27 - Albany, NY
Ohio State Conference NAACP Lobby Day
Wednesday, Feb. 28 - Columbus, OH
Virginia State Conference Voting Rights Rally
Tuesday, Feb. 27 - Richmond, VA

Fighting for You
We're fighting for an equitable future for all. Learn more about the issues impacting Black America.
Learn More