National Voter Education Week
Your Voting RESOURCE Center
If it's one thing we know, voting is made difficult for us on purpose. Making voter information harder to access is a form of voter suppression. This Voter Education Week, NAACP continues to provide the resources needed to guide Black voters during election season.
Voter Education Week Activities
Each day, take your advocacy further by taking the steps to being a well-informed and prepared voter for the upcoming election season.
From the Moment To the Movement

What's On Your Ballot?
An informed voter is a prepared voter. Enter your information to see who and what will be on your ballot in this upcoming election.
Your Voting Options

Register to Vote
Registering to vote can take less than 10 minutes to complete. Exercise your right to defend democracy by registering to participate in upcoming elections.

Absentee Voting
Being away from home is no excuse for not voting! If you are unable to vote at your designated polling place, request your absentee ballot.

Verify Your Voter Registration Status
Confirm your voter registration status to ensure you are ready to go once the polls open!

Never Miss An Election
We need every vote we can get to protect our democracy. Sign up for text and email reminders to receive important information about upcoming election dates and deadlines near you.

Our well-being and health matter greatly, and moving this country forward depends on all communities mobilizing around the solution.
- Dominik Whitehead, Vice President of Campaigns, NAACP