2018 NAACP Resolutions

Each year during the Annual Convention, members participate in a legislative session to establish policies and programs NAACP will pursue during the upcoming year.
The 2018 resolutions discussed at the 109th National Convention include actions that further the Association's work in criminal justice, voting rights, health and housing, education, labor, economic development, environmental and international affairs, and legislation and political action.
The 40 resolutions considered and approved include:
- Gun Control in the Wake of the Parkland High School Massacre
- Justice for Eric Garner and the Urgent Need for Police Accountability
- Diversity and Inclusion Training in School Systems
- In Opposition to Nuclear and Fossil Fuel Technologies as Safe, Viable Alternatives to Renewable Energy
- Elimination of Food Deserts
- NAACP Supports Poultry Workers and Opposes Faux "Work Camps"