Resource Library

Minneapolis Economic Inclusion Plan
The NAACP Twin Cities Economic Inclusion Plan provides an overview of employment, education, health, housing, criminal justice and voting rights.

Policy Recommendations for Biden-Harris Administration
NAACP policy recommendations to the Biden-Harris administration on key issues: economic empowerment, voting rights, criminal justice, health, and more

2021 Housing Toolkit: Eviction Moratorium Expiration
The NAACP's Housing Toolkit equips members with resources to help those facing eviction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus Equity Considerations
Ten Equity Implications of the COVID 19 Pandemic in the United States - The Imperative for Civil Rights Advocacy, Monitoring, and Enforcement

Baltimore Economic Inclusion Plan
The Baltimore Economic Inclusion Plan analyzes the impact of historical racism and segregation on Baltimore and releases its recommendations for eliminating the entrenched poverty existing in large swaths of the city.

St. Louis Economic Inclusion Plan
The St. Louis Economic Inclusion Plan analyzes the impact of historical racism and segregation in St. Louis and releases its recommendations for eliminating the economic inequities existing in large swaths of the city.

Charlotte Economic Inclusion Plan
The Charlotte Economic Inclusion Plan analyzes the impact of historical racism and segregation on Charlotte, NC and releases its recommendations for eliminating the entrenched poverty existing in large swaths of the city.