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Minneapolis Economic Inclusion Plan

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Minnesota represents a paradox as a state that ranks among the very best in overall quality of life and among the very worst in racial and ethnic disparities. The Twin Cities of Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul, reflect this paradox.

Only ten miles away from one another, divided by a river, the Twin Cities each have decidedly different cultures. In examining the Twin Cities, Minneapolis specifically has had to deal with the harsh realities of contentious/ strained police community relationships. We realize decades and decades of economic discrimination and economic injustice are fueling frustrations in many cities across the Country where often all it takes is one incident to ignite violence.

In response, we came up with a set of economic policies around what needs to change in these cities that would impact Black communities. We used research, data gathering, data analysis and community input to uncover and amplify the current economic conditions that result in the disparities. This policy agenda is comprehensive and based the following principles:

  1. Economic Sustainability: A chance to live the American Dream for all. Every person will have equal opportunity to achieve economic success, sustainability, and financial security.
  2. Education: A free, high-quality, public education for all. Every child will receive a free, high quality, equitably-funded, public pre-K and K-12 education followed by diverse opportunities for accessible, affordable vocational or university education.
  3. Health: Health equality for all Americans including a healthy life and high-quality health care. Everyone will have equal access to affordable, high-quality health care, and racially disparate health outcomes will end.
  4. Public Safety and Criminal Justice: Equitable dispensation of justice for all. Disproportionate incarceration, racially motivated policing strategies, and racially biased, discriminatory, and mandatory minimum sentencing will end. Incarceration will be greatly reduced and communities will be safer. The death penalty will be abolished at the state and federal level, as well as in the military.
  5. Voting Rights and Political Representation: Protect and enhance voting rights and fair representation. Every American will have free, open, equal, and protected access to the vote and fair representation at all levels of the political process. By protecting democracy, enhancing equity, and increasing democratic participation and civic engagement, African Americans will be proportionally elected to political office.

We will work to identify actionable economic solutions to the issues plaguing these communities.

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